5 Days of Funny: Silly, silly, silly!

12 Mar 2015

What a week we are having here at OpenCRM, with silly jokes, silly pets and best of all silly photo evidence! Well why not! I think its great having a good excuse for the team to have some fun and raise some money for a good cause.

Today is the day of the silly walk! Inspired by the ‘Ministry of Silly Walks’ sketch by Monty Python’s Flying Circus. Each competitor has to submit a short video of them doing a silly walk…the competition is quite simple, the funniest walk wins – as voted by all staff! Tune back on Friday afternoon to the blog to see the winning entries, and don’t worry, over the next week we will get as much of this silliness put on a web page for you all to see.

You could say that what we are doing is a ‘step’ in the right direction towards helping those less fortunate than ourselves. We can’t put ourselves in their shoes, but we can help raise some money to pave the way for others to provide aid to those who need it.

Hopefully by giving just a bit of small change each day, we can go the extra mile and help those from all ‘walks’ of life, appreciate that we did not ‘walk on by’, but instead we ‘tread’ where many people had tread before, by supporting the great cause, Red Nose Day.